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The Perfect Quinoa

Nowadays quinoa is a popular component of "healthy" diets and consider one as one of the highest protein foods. While it is actually a seed and not a grain as we thought, it contains double the amount of fiber found on grains and is a good source of iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B2.

Cooking quinoa can be tricky... I know many people who avoid buying it because they don't know how to make it. I buy different brands and all of them have different cooking directions. If you relay on internet, you will also find many different recipes. The reality is that making quinoa is super easy and here is my method to obtain a very fluffy quinoa.

What do you need?

1 Cup quinoa

1 3/4 Cups of water

1/2 Tbsp. Salt

What to do?

  1. Rinse the quinoa if instructed on the package. The majority of the organic quinoa doesn't need to be rinsed

  2. Heat the water until boiling

  3. Add salt to the boiling water

  4. Immediately add the quinoa en turn the heat to the lowest temperature

  5. Cover and let cook for 15 to 20 minutes, as instructed on the package

  6. Once is done, fluff with a fork and let cool without the lead


Tips, variations & more:

  • Depending on the meals you are planning to make with the quinoa, you could also use vegetable broth to cook it.

  • If using broth, make sure to adjust the salt


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