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Chickpea Burgers

Chickpeas are a great source of protein if you are on a vegan diet. Mia gets tired of eating fish everyday, so this is a great substitute for a healthy meal.

Some of the benefits of including this legume in your diet are: helps lowering cholesterol, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes nervous system health and boost your immune system, which is specially important for toddlers.

I usually serve this burgers for lunch, as the high fiber content can cause flatulence.

What do you need?

1 Cup cooked and peeled chickpeas

1/3 Cup cooked quinoa

1 Egg

2 Scallions

1/4 Onion

1/4 Red pepper

1/2 Mini sweet pepper

1 Tbsp. Olive oil

1 Tsp. Garlic (crushed)

1 Tsp. Cumin

1/2 Tsp. Coriander

Salt & pepper to taste

What to do?

  1. Crush the chickpeas using some of the water where you cook them. The chickpeas are usually granny, so try to get a puree texture

  2. Cut all the vegetables in small pieces or use the food processor

  3. Beat the egg

  4. Mix the chickpea puree with the vegetables and the quinoa and season with the spices, salt and pepper to taste.

  5. Incorporate the egg little by little, because you don't want the mixture to be too watery

  6. Heat a non-stick frying pan and use half of the olive oil, remember we are not frying

  7. Make small patties and cook for about 2 or 3 minutes each side or until completely cooked


Tips, variations & more:

  • You can serve as a burger on a bun, with lettuce and tomato

  • For a "fast food" type meal, include baked potato fries


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