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Oven "Fried" Potatoes

Today have been one of "those days"... I had to run a bunch of errands after Mia had lunch and ended up coming home almost at dinner time. Between all I had to do, we went to the Fish Market and got cod, red snapper, salmon and shrimps.

When we came home I had to cook something really quick. I decided grilled shrimp (what can be cooked as quick and easy as shrimp?) and french fries. I DON'T deep fry any of our food, so I am referring to the fries you cook in the oven. However, this could take up to 20 minutes and I didn't have the time. So what did I do? This is definitely one of the craziest, yet best tricks I have done in the kitchen... I was able to have dinner ready in only 10 minutes.

Pay attention to the cooking instructions (LOL)

What do you need?

2 Red potatoes (medium)

1/4 Cup olive oil

3 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese

Salt & pepper to taste

What to do?

  1. Wash the potatoes well

  2. Preheat the oven on broil (high)

  3. Prick with a fork and place on a microwave-safe dish

  4. Place the potatoes in the microwave (with the peel) and cover with a microwave lead

  5. Cook for 2 minutes

  6. Remove from microwave and let cool

  7. I didn't have the time so I carefully peel the potatoes and cut them in sticks as you will normally do when making french fries (wearing oven mitts)

  8. Transfer the potato sticks to a bowl and mixed with olive oil, salt and pepper until all they are all coded

  9. Place on a baking tray over non-stick foil and bake about 2 minutes or until brown

  10. Take the "fries" out, turned them around and cook for other 2 minutes

  11. Take the potatoes out of the oven and sprinkle with parmesan cheese


Tips, variations & more:

  • The potatoes I used weren't organic, so I peeled them. If your potatoes are organic you should cook them with the skin

  • You could season the potatoes with herbs like paprika and oregano, but Mia has been funny with food this week and I decided to make them as plain as possible

  • I served the potatoes with grilled shrimps, that I made with olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon.


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