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Veggie Fried Rice

Fried rice story is uncertain, but we do know that a good fried rice is a complete and delish meal. There are many myth surrounding the white rice, because it is a big NO on diets focus on weight loss. The reason why is simple, it is a grain packed with carbs.

Then, there is the idea that brown rice is healthier than white rice. However, if we check the facts, brown rice has more calories. So what makes people think it is healthier? Brown rice has more fiber, which make it harder to digest and makes you feel fuller for longer time, which is ideal if you are on a diet.

So, white rice or brown rice? I leave the question open for you to answer. What I DO recommend is to buy organic rice to prevent risks associated with the process.

What do you need?

2 Cups rice (cooked and cooled)

1 Cup bean sprouts

2 Carrots (medium)

8 Scallions (small)

1/4 Yellow onion

1/2 Zucchini

1/3 Cup peas

1 Egg

2 Tbsp. Low sodium soy sauce

1 Tbsp. Olive oil

1 Tsp. Sesame oil

1/2 Tsp. Ginger (grated)

1/2 Tsp. Garlic (crushed)

1/2 Tsp. Rice vinager

Salt and pepper

What to do?

1. This is a perfect recipe for leftover rice. The white rice needs to be cooled before using it

2. Rinse the sprouts

3. Peel and crush the garlic and ginger  

4. Wash, peel and cut all the vegetables in small cubes

5. After cutting the scallions separate the white and light green pieces from the dark green. Set the dark green leafy pieces to garnish the rice when is ready

6. Heat and non-stick pan on medium high, add the olive oil and start by sauteing the onions and the scallions

7. When the onions are translucent add the carrots and zucchinis and season with a little pinch of salt and pepper. 

8. Cook for about 4 minutes and shift the veggies to a side of the pan, add the sesame oil and cook the egg for 1 minutes or so, stirring it constantly like making scramble eggs

9. Once the egg is ready, add the garlic, the ginger and the peas and cook for another minute

10. Add the cooled rice, the soy sauce and the rice vinager and stir to combine well

11. When the rice is all coded with the soy and mixed with the veggies, add the sprouts and turn off the heat

12. Let the rice sit for couple of minutes and transfer to a serving bowl. Garnish with the green part of the scallions


Tips, variations & more:

  • I usually make this recipe with leftover white rice. However, if you want to use rice you make the same day, make it with anticipation and place the rice in the fridge for an hour

  • Use all the vegetables you like

  • This dish can be a side dish or a meal by itself


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